BWRT FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Our Frequently Asked Questions about BrainWorking Recursive Therapy (BWRT FAQ) can be found below, however if you have a specific question about BWRT or indeed would like to have a Free Consultation to see if it may help you then please contact us by phone on 01980 504645 or via our contact form here.


Q - Will I have to revisit all the hurtful stuff from the past?

A - No.  With BWRT you only have to tell the therapist what the issue is, then you can work on it completely in the privacy of your own mind.

Q - I don't remember the event that caused my problem so how can BWRT help?

A -  Unlike many other therapies, with BWRT you don’t need to discover the original event or cause of a problem, only the worst conscious memory or feeling that you have in response to your problem.

Q - Is BWRT a difficult process to follow?

A - Quite the opposite in fact.  BWRT is an easy process to follow that allows the natural resources of your brain to create the changes quickly and easily.

Q - Will I be hypnotised or in a trance state - What happens in a BWRT Session?

Q - No.  When working with BWRT you close your eyes to help with concentration but it is not hypnosis, or any other "trance" state you may have heard of.  In fact BWRT is unlike any other therapies in the way it works with your unconscious mind.

Q - How many Sessions would I need to have?

A - This depends on several factors.  BWRT can solve some problems in just a single session, and for simple phobias, fears etc. often 1-2 sessions are all that is needed.  More complex issues may require more sessions, however unlike some other therapies the speed of BWRT means you are not in therapy for months or in some cases years.

Q - Does BWRT work for everyone?

A - Honest answer - there is no therapy that is guaranteed to work for everyone, although BWRT has a very high success rate.  At our consultation we will advise you if we feel it is a good therapy for you, or suggest an alternative, i.e. Hypnotherapy or WSN-Counselling & Coaching. 

Q - How long are the sessions?

A - In general a BWRT session is around one hour including discussion before and after the treatment.  Your first session may be up to 90 mins long which includes a general discussion and treatment plan.

Q - How much do sessions cost?

A - For details of fees and other practice information please see our Fees and Session information page.

Q - I need more information about BWRT?

A - At BWRT Salisbury we are always happy to answer any additional questions you may have.  Please get in touch via our Contact Page.

Q - I have had CBT, EMDR, Counselling, Hypnotherapy etc. Will BWRT really be any different?

BWRT is not a re-hash of any of the traditional therapies. It is based on some of the latest neuroscience research and developments and is unlike any other therapy.  It is the treatment of choice now in our practice rooms as it has a high success rate.

Q - How do I know you have been properly trained?

A - All BWRT practitioners are required to undergo extensive training via the official training organisations.  You may check the validity of any BWRT therapist by visiting